32 Bit

I always liked Knuckles more than Sonic.

Always Birdo before Bowser, by a hair.
Blame it on N64 Tennis and
my nem that always took it
a shade too seriously.

Sympathy for a goomba and

travesty for a koopa and

I always wanted to see a bird's eye of F-Zero.

He had two tails, come on!  

No?  That's fine.  Sometimes when I cannot keep

my mouth shut I recite lines
from Arkanoid and remember
blips of Asteroids and think about
how much fun that job would be.  Make a T.V.show

about that I am

halfway in the door and halfway out.  Don't do that.
You'll get tanked one script in.

But seriously.  Top Gear.  First edition.  I still have nightmares.