Buck Forty

One dollar and forty cents
buys you a candy bar
or a bag of ice.
With what you've been up to
and the poor planning that led
to you showing up late for work
for the fifteenth time
I believe your most pressing issue
is not lunch
as much as
what you will do
to make today go down smooth.

Think outside the box.
By box I
mean reason.
By reason I
mean love.
By love I
     mean if you do not
take the time to love yourself
         who is going to get you drunk
                     and give you hand jobs under the table.

Buy the ice.

We Had a Talk

You can't fuck everybody
all of the time.

Everybody won't' fuck you
all of the time.

All of the people
who fall into the category

won't spend two minutes
talking to someone

who thinks in these terms
so I ate two dozen cookies

instead and spent
the rest of my karma points

sharpening the edge
of my machete and

checking my
online dating account.

Smoker 22

My teeth are bad
aren't they?  My history is worse.
Let's talk about something else,
and the answer is "no",
local weather is definitely out
and I wasn't driven here
any more than
a bird is driven to cut its beak
on a sliver of whale bone
clasped to its bars by a slip of
bent aluminum.
Let's dispense and let me tell
the real story behind
how I came to be gap toothed
before an age when the fronts
would have a chance to flee
of their own volition.  It was a day
when I saw a man's shopping bag
give up the ghost mid stride and I
was two inches deeper than my ankle
in runoff to garbage gorged drains
and I thought there was
no way
the day
could get

Age Ain't Nothing but a Number

The tears still flow
straight down
despite the scars
accumulated and
the creases of smiles
and frowns repeated
and repeated tonight.
The number I scrawl
on this piece of napkin
is just a number, but consider it
a counter offer.

The Ice Settles

The ice settles
and I chuckle
over the hours and days
I sought inspiration
in gin.

The ends can
not be the means
when your color picker
is wrong to begin with.

Results.  Results.
Results.  A
candle light vigil
for the late results.

Perhaps a toast, love?