"What do you mean you cannot whistle?
What do you mean you cannot swim?
What do you mean you cannot stand?
What do you mean you cannot write left-handed?
What do you mean you cannot sleep?
What do you mean you cannot walk?
What do you mean you cannot paint?
What do you mean you cannot see?
What do you mean you cannot snap?"
Tire the explanations that all seep from one.
"Anyone can if they work at it long.
Everyone can if they are willing
to leave their comfort zone,
to give up blood and sweat,
to think outside of their box,
to believe in themselves,
to accept help from others,
to trust in those around them,
to fight for what they want,
to dare and follow through!"
Tire the explanations that all seep from one.
Not all life is a choice made or not,
an action taken or not,
a day seized or not.
Some are missing fingers,
some are blind, some have damaged nerves,
a single hand, a single eye, weakened bones,
malformed cells, malformed minds,
prosthetics in their design, outside
and within.
"What do you mean you cannot?
Man up! Get out there!
What are you afraid of!
Have faith in yourself!
Let me help you help yourself!
All you have to do is try!"
Tire of stating the explanation
that has been a bane of life for decades,
reminded each time asked then blamed
for being unable. Disabled. Absurd. Pathetic.
Sickened by the carousel loop.
Hope in a next life to be born without legs instead
to maybe bear a little less scorn.