Airshow Rehearsal

Pain can override will.
Remembering each instance
my eyes tolled broken system
that worked
hours removed,
overridden by
cellular preservation's outcry.
NO!  yes.  NO!
The destination shouting silence
as songs pipe and throat and volley in.
The five digits close into a fist,
touch telling
a clementine would not stand a snowflake's chance
in hell.
Maligned wires.  The mechanism still works.
That is the limitation, isn't it?
When the bones outlive the wires?
Cough, flame out.  Cough, auto.  Allow it
to feed itself while it falls.
Start.  Start.
Start, damnit!
Connection.  Green board and itinerary.  Green bird
and auxiliaries.  Hydraulics online.  Blow the cabin.
Engines on.
Thirty two seconds to climb.  Braking.
Power is on, go when ready,
ground fifty four seconds.
Forty four.

Remembering each instance and
floating two pennies into the tollbooth basket.
Each instance and another "loop the loop".
Will can override pain until it

Sticker War

It's backwards.
It's not backwards,
it's upside down.
It's not upside down, it's backwards.
It's not backwards, it's upside down.
It's not upside down, it's backwards.
It's not backwards, it's upside down.
It's not upside down, it's backwards.
It's not backwards, it's upside down!
It's not upside down, it's backwards!
It's not backwards, it's upside down!!!

There.  Now it's neither upside down nor backward.
It's in pieces.  Arrange it how ever you will.

Falling Out Of Love

It is easy to forget
that a Millenium Falcon
is just as hard to brake
as it is to get that @#$%er started.