Designer Luggage

A lot of things do not travel.  Welp, the shoes are in there so I guess we're going.  To have to answer for our crimes someday.  I'll knock it all down and the books will be square, I promise.  Yourself is a pretty retard concept, mostly because its not true.  That, I've had some times where I would look in my back pocket for a blade and then realize it was in the front pocket.  Everything you can and take some cheese crackers with you.  Don't know what is standing on my shelf at the kitchen window and frankly it's none of your business.  Is booming and I cannot tell you how many units we've moved.  Off that shit.  In a hand basket and you've got a shitty hand basket.  Cases come around sometimes.  We do not.  To say that there is anything to apartment buildings, but there is something to be said about abutting people you cannot help running into.  A lot of things of late, mostly crayons.  Are for drawing and not for eating.  People is unacceptable on every level.  Up and learn how to make the most of what comes across your plate.  It well enough and anyone will snack.  On travel, I have nothing much to say, besides.

I live in outer space.  Spain is kind of a hike.  Lemme tell you about this rock I found.  It has metal in it.

New Battery

Used up,
and caught stealing.

Still a nigger
somehow, someway.

Wonder how come the teeth still
tear and

I love you.

It will not grow on its own.
Knock the bad batteries out

pup! pup! pup!
with the flat of a palm.

one at time
side by each

and replace them.

The Screamer (blowing out the speaker)

Dynos are winding up the
dinosaur movement detected
near the tree line.
Scales like thumbnails, maybe
as big as the face of a spoon.
Tails coiling against tree bark.
Heads taller than.
Teeth like you could not believe.
Smiling wan
to eat.
Bellies like bodies of boilers industrial.
The heat.  The heat!
Peeking from above rooftops.
Dynos, dynos everywhere
and not a cave to sleep.

Smoker 41

Snap the radio on.
Snap the radio off.

Listen to the birds.
They're talking, they're talking.

a little bit.

Snap the radio on.
Snap the radio off.

To be sure
their song is coming in clear.

To be sure
it is not what it is not.

Snap the radio on.
Snap the radio  off.

Fear is the mind killer.
Always will be.  The sun

her children and her lives.
Her little deaths in orbit.

Snap the radio on.
Snap the radio off.

The Other Day

Leaves against stars.  Honeysuckle in bloom.
Possessions on this ...

I never

didn't we?


I could see
the dragon in every single piece of glass
in the bathroom looking up to people
running over how did I
fall asleep that long,
the puzzle altogether.  The woman
stumbling again
her can of potatoes flying against the curb
her stink coming across
the sixteen feet of asphalt
between us

the moon
nearly blacked

and still summer.

We ...


Beneath the sky there is another one
I've been told.

"Are you feeling spells of rage?"

"My memory has been terrible lately."

I wanted to ask you,
something has been bothering me-

"It will take time."

You are
a destroyer on the oceans.  Fire away.  As long as I am
beneath your wing.  That thing that casts shadows
on the waves.  You know what I mean.  The long guns?

Stars peaking from between leaves.  Peaking and peeking
the way neighbors peek across the fence to see
what's banging at 10 P.M.  I've never had that before
now is a fickle thing, peeking back at stars
with planets of their own
beneath trees too green and
surfaces slick with growth maddening and
enchanting at once.

Pick up the can.  Throw it back.  Not too hard.

Winter is a motherfucker.  Give ankle, but not too much.
Christ, wear a bra!  I can see
your bones between the diamonds skittered cross black velvet
and Summer will come thicker
than expected.  The fires will smell better.
The sidewalk will fall softer.

Wipe your nose.  Stop bleeding.

Pick up the goddamn can.

Vest Medals

Arrogance, healthy, is the first step toward being
yourself.  The particle wave thingy you are.

The song.  The harmonica.  The rocks.  The hammer.
Do work.

Be arrogant.  No one breaks rocks
the same as you.  King devil splatter painter
in dreams executioner and judge with
no camera.

Be arrogant.  Be brave.
Be slippery.  No one will
love you like you do.

Take chances
on stacked odds.  And then read.  And then

there is no word or letter for an R that kips out of
a mouth like an N.

Be gorgeous
be terrible.
Be arrogant as hell.

Be knocked down and be up for what comes your way
when you do not answer your phone and
decline reading your mail.

Be arrogant, be slipshod, be worthy.
Be stinky on a Tuesday.

Be careful.  Be aware the promise you made
to cut out your tongue and stew it
into something delicious and rib sticking
still stands
and someone will come

if not today

to collect.  Be ready.