Breaking Apart The Origin of My Siblings

The first was without purpose and beloved.
The first asked for a second and the second
was different.
The second begged a third to gallivant and play
and the first had an entirely different set of rules,
fuel, and sway.
The first could not take care of the second
though the second could take care of the first,
the second all alone could not be burdened
with that curse and so the third time was the charm
and the spell came true.
Two boys and one girl, two combat, train, and flume.
What would the first do, but to have see after
twin devils.
Fighting with sticks and rocks and guns
to be trained to be twin angels
while the first learned to dance and instrument,
to care for two angry robust hearts,
and so was born one last
angel capable and sound and sweet as a tart.
Two animals with horns that locked and played,
stout shoulders and brought up to make buildings sway
and one angel at the beginning who only wanted company
had two soldiers to journey and be quick with blades
with her other side born apart
and the knowledge that
we are all a part
of her original dream and to the wind intentions.
Adult and grown up
each of us a different invention.
Nothing came to be to their blue print looking down.

A symphony
when our strings hum
a song and  a sound

be it a single note held
or tremelo.
Two for depth and three for the shoals.
Four for cacophony, and the rest for death.
Be aware when we all wish
with one breath.