Keep back 300 meters.
Yes, meters.
Parade float.
Confetti cannons blazing.
Free hugs and lollipops and sundaes
if you ask nicely.
Toys for guns
out back.
With a thirteen thousand dollar donation
you too can have control of Sol 278 &
vaporize anything on the face of the planet
once he is aligned with your selected target.
Complete demolition not guaranteed.
Target size must be less than two inches by two.
Objects in screen may not be synced real time.
Margin of error is two feet in either direction.
No refunds upon purchase.
You may not destroy your selected coordinates
however you will be graced with a live feed
of the general vicinity to see the effect
your selection and your donation to Sol 278's
upkeep makes to make your world
a little better.
Keep back 300 meters.
Yes, meters.
Parade float.
Confetti cannons blazing.
Free hugs and lollipops and sundaes
if you ask nicely.
Sol's been operating for several years.
It is hit and miss.
For 13 billion dollars
you can vaporize anything
down to the size of a golf ball
and the other two hundred yards around it.
"For the low price..." everyone remembers
the old commercials.
That thing was a flashlight
by comparison.
Sol X0X0 is where it's at.
free hugs,
and sherbet.
Money to burn? Pick up a pint
and spend, spend, spend, spend!