When everything goes. Must go. Must go!
Decision time. Into the atmosphere
and take our chances there.
Me and my and the voices there.
So simple. Boil down to one cover waits
to be uncovered
and depressed.
Glass on top of red,
in case it needs depressed
by gloved fist
when the world is spinning and
grip the yellow and black tape
less your arm is broken
in rocket powered escape.
Laugh and nod with your
engines leaking fuel to the fire
after fragment punctures. Go!
The board lights up red and
the worst dread imaginable
dragons descending on a single soul
with one shield and one fire begs
Let go.
Fire, fire, fire, fire, fire.
One hand on the helmet,
one hand on the lever.
Never say never. And Squeeze.
Glass constellation. Leave.