Be whatever the fuck you want to be.
Be closed minded, about
the fact that you haven't opened your head
to structure and the freedom lying there
waiting for your touch, naked
inside a nest of stupid chaotic
spun days, and call it enlightenment,
but admit you've fooled no one.
Be whatever the fuck you want to be.
Be the Jack or the Queen or
wear the rings, real or not, or the chain
real or not. Smoke or don't, but don't smoke
in my bathroom. I like to shit in peace.
Be the ass or the hare or the fox or the mystery
animal to be revealed in tomorrow's episode.
Count down or count up or be the one always counting out loud,
or don't speak. Ever.
Be whatever the fuck you want to be.
Be a horrible friend, or an okay friend,
or a person I still call sometimes
when I'm stumble prone and the stars are spinning
and I remember what it felt like when you dragged me
to my feet and "what's wrong with you?"
was a story too long for my head to buffer
and I shrug and smirk at a face no longer there
and fall over again, and the voicemail left is ambient early morning
road noise, until the battery dies.
Be whatever the fuck you want to be.
All we ask is that whatever your pursuit of being makes you,
let it not make you into a self serving, conceited and entitled ,
hoof in mouth, humorless and holier than though, dick.