This is the fire
without a spark.
This is the laugh
without a lark.
This is the moon
without a sky.
This is the burble
without a high.
This is spontane
without eous.
This is the me
without the us.
This is the stew
without the pits.
This is the new
without the tags.
This is the break
without the ins.
This is the noise
without the din.
This is the file
without the bin.
This is the start
so spin the end.
The conversation
and continuance,
I have nails,
and you,
hammer head
so let's
tear something apart
and put it back together
and laugh
at the great vision
for a minute
because for once we are not
being graded
on accessibility or subjective perceptivity
and I could not
give two
about anything
more than where exact
this might tickle you.