Batting Average

Laughter snares listeners and
forty minutes into
the Sunday sermon and
distracted by

the sweat on the pastor's
graying face while he retread
his rocky marriage to bait
classroom participation, and
the choir member who
passed out screaming about
God's love, and
the thought that the only
self help
book I would ever need was
the bible and
the three thousand
self help books written to
its straightforward pages,

I found myself
to an edge
able to contain a snickering
tightening at the corners of
my eyes and an
erection in my lap as
I remembered
Theresa's birthday party

in tenth grade when
the power went out and,
instead of flashlight tag,
we all played
God's mysterious ways

revived the choir singer and by
His grace
she was able to walk
to a wheelchair.

They called
an ambulance and
called for members of
the flock

who were also EMTs

just in case.