
I have been
browsing long photos.
Suicide black and whites.
Spickkednrr.  Ig if had a sound.
Anger blossoms.
A loom.  How?
Every second
every minute
anpit upi/
about you
whether you enjoy it or
your glance
ties me in knots.
Houdini for a wink.
Inexplicable. Snatched breath.


Blank plus techno box equals
strips of assorted machinery
like flat pasta noodles,
confetti, maybe.  The project:
to reduce an LCD monitor to
strips of material that will fit
inside of a typical jelly jar's mouth.

Angle grinder with cutter's
grip tears in and smile spreads.
Breathed "huzzah"s dribble
from tightly pursed lips 'neath
flared nostrils.  The case melts,
parts, unzipped behind a stroke.
Another.  Flip that pancake and
trawl the little plastic lagoon.

Lips spread further and
teeth bare against the disc's bite.
Bug it all, I know this smell.
I know this smell.  Poisoned
myself again.  Of course!
A friction cut, atomizing
heavy metals and polymers.
Vaporizing not slicing.
Oh, I've poisoned myself again!

For a single foot long, inch wide,
shred of use able paint.  Check
nose for blood.  Pinch tissue; blow!

Sledge hammers are the cones of a pine.
Gorgeous and grit and essential.
Face mask swings make cakes.
Scissors of various duties
pare to biscuits.  Not quite
confetti, but not unconscious
filled with neurotoxins either.
The exchange rate of fun

in each brushes touch of destruction
is close enough
to devise an equality.  The project's
parameters change.  Calendar dates
turn over, ledger boards in a central station
chatter.  We are on time, arrival
estimated at in one piece.