
Iron to spark and sparks to apron.
Sunlight to moon and moon to night.
Coffee to water and water to might.
Piss on the wolves and wolves to bright.
Tear up insides and make them 
into a chair. Dead fall, mind the tree limbs
shaved to leaf topped spikes down there.

The Knock Down (hired muscle) EP

Gone Fishing

Pinkg!  Aluminum bat to skip stones lazy, alright.
Going for it.  "Hi my name is" whatever you want
it to be, I'm going, I'm going.

Bobber on the little cutter waves,
cut this way and that, but
cutting in toward the sand bars

that you have to wear big pants to navigate.
Which is why I am wide eyed on the shore.
Getting sun that I cannot look at straight on

no matter how I try
to tune down the brass instruments
in my head while I doze

between swings.  Pinkg!  Aluminum bat to rock
served better by hand
instead of chopped down into breakwater and sand.

Terms of Occlusion

Slay the dragon whiffy lucky okay
sometimes you will run into a fastball
despite your best effort to strike out.

My eye keeps twitching and I know time is running thin.
I am okay with that, I like to coach myself.
Looking at my bedroom upside down

I can calculate the time of day
by shadows on rooftops.
250 miles for what?

No kiss?  No [expletive deleted] kiss?
What the hell did I come here for?
I'm not your heel.  I'm not your heel, but yesterday I was.

Bomber Son

If children ever come into the mix
they will be the most virulent or the water in the river
or maybe pennies on the eyes of try.
Knock me down or knock me up, or knock me up.  I would be less without you in my sky on my right wing.  Shooting up trains, and fields, and motorpools, and every fucking thing. Looking left to empties and looking right to you and your wings and tipping my nose up to see the ground where the 250 pounders land and explode and I envy your high score watching them glow.

Bomber man, bomber man, it's nothing without someone to pound fists after.
Altitude, altitude, strat and gold,
I'll steal some of your dreams and trade you mine
sleep snatcher.............. bull in a porcelain shop
I would never know where to put a tea cup.
But I would never know where else to put a tea cup
instead of inside a bomb with fins,
big boxy things I can mop up later
and hold out a handle, pinky loose,
did you watch it go?

Mutton Song

High B: Imgunnacutchuopinnamutton, innamutton!
Oh yes, oh
Imgunnacutchuopinnamutton, innamutton!
and they
a won't find
your bones.
Oh yes, oh yes, oh

Mid C: Imgunnacutchuopinnamutton, innamutton!
Oh yes, ah see
Imgunnacutchuopinnamutton, innamutton!
and they
oh yes, they
ain't gonna' find your bones
yeah, yeah, yeah

Big D: Ohimgunnacutchuopinnamutton, innamutton!
Oh yes, oh
Imgunnacutchuopinnamutton, innamuttonbaybee!
and I'll
all your pieces so deep
so deep, so deep.

oh oh oh

Big A and some C:  I'm going to cut you up into mutton,
and stuff my jacket with some of your hair.
Oh yes, oh yes,
When they ask me where I bought my bracelet,
I'll be polite and explain
the leather braid was knit up off your back.

(shots between verses by the way)